Get In Style for your Interview

Whether you are a post grad or just looking into new job opportunities, making a good first impression in an interview is everything. Dressing to impress, being prepared, making eye contact, and showing that you are interested all are apart of making that first impression. Before you start picking out what you are going to wear for the interview be sure to do some research on the company's history and background. This will help you decide what attire is most appropriate for you. Typically, depending on the field of work, you will know right off the bat what style is suitable. For example, many jobs related to the arts would be more casual, whereas a business corporation would require you to be business casual/formal.

After doing research on your company's background, you will find that they will most probably fall under one of the three following categories of work attire: casual, business casual, or formal. Below, I have put together three outfits to give you a better idea of each.


In my opinion, casual work attire is the most fun to dress up with. While you shouldn't throw on random articles of clothing, with this particular look you are able to embrace trends and incorporate your personal style into your outfit without having to go out and buy a pants suit. When dressing casual, feel free to wear open toed pumps, and show off your style with versatile colors and patterns.

casual interview

Business Casual: 

Dressing business casual is sometimes tricky. While you have more freedom in your look than with formal business wear, you still have to play it safe in certain areas. For one, stick with close toed shoes. Next, keep away from crazy trends that may distract your interviewer. For your hair consider an up-do, a sock bun in particular would totally bring this outfit together. Basically, you want to make sure your look is prim and polished

business casual


If you find that the company you are interviewing for has more of a buttoned-up, conservative work environment then you must dress in formal work attire. However, this doesn't mean you have to completely do away with your style. Stick to neutral, if not, basic colors and again avoid "out there" trends. Socks buns and clean natural makeup are definitely a go with formal business wear. Be sure that your clothes are fit and tailored... and above all else, keep your look MODEST.

formal interview


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Beauty Marked is a blog dedicated to beauty and style. Here I will use my creativity, experience, and knowledge as a freelance makeup artist all for your inspiration. Watch me as I leave my mark.